Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Weight: 10st 13lbs
Miles cycled this week: 2

I love the concept of Bluetooth. I have had numerous devices and varying levels of success with them. No, I haven't tried toothing (hoax or otherwise) but have been known to occasionally bluejack. The technology would have so much to offer if it was just a bit simpler to use.

However, there is a downside.

Bluetooth earpieces.

Yes, good idea in the car, although I have always preferred to fit a full car-kit, having been blessed with access to cheap / free kits and an over-confidence in vehicle wiring.


when you get out of the car...


Life is not Star Trek, you do not look like Uhura. You do not look like a Secret Service Agent. You do not look cool, you are not an ubergeek road warrior.

You look stupid.


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