Friday, July 01, 2005


Weight: 10st 11lbs
Miles cycled this week: 42

Drugs of choice:
Fluoxetine 40mg
Loratadine 10mg
Google Earth (now addicted)
Mars Bar

The problem with cycling to work is the extra appetite it induces far outweighs any diet assistance it provides, or so it appears. Having had my usual Special K bar this morning, after arriving at work I had a second breakfast of bacon, sausage, fried egg and mushrooms. My lunch of a tuna baguette was also supplemented with a narcotic-like fix of a Mars Bar.

I repeated my cycle home last night / cycle in to work this morning effort of a fortnight ago. It felt easier than last time, whether that's fitness levels or weather conditions I don't know. Any weight loss will no doubt be regained thanks to my raging post-cycle hunger. I suppose there's the excuse that muscle is heavier than fat, and my legs are looking slightly more attractive in my lycra shorts than usual.

Despite leaving me physically exhausted, I do feel it gives me an emotional or mental boost, which is a good thing. Work has been a little slow, and boredom tends to bring on moments of depression.


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