
Yesterday was a Bank Holiday, so plenty of DIY.
Today is another kind of holiday - I'm on a training course. Oh if only that were true (the holiday part). Get up at the same time as usual (0510) to catch a train into London. Then have to spend most of the day listening and thinking - no desk skiving, no gossip and idle chat. Finished at 1700, almost an hour and a half later than I would normally leave the office. And then I get to battle more tubes and another train to meet H at a hotel near the office.
My training course today was on relational databases. Not that I haven't worked with them for 14 years. However, I was never formally trained on them. Well, I certainly didn't know any of the theory! Hopefully I can unlearn some bad habits too.
For some reason the trainer has to end every sentence with an abrupt 'hur' - I'm hoping not to pick up that particular habit. Apart from that, the only downside to the actual training is the room, it is far too hot. I came very close to falling asleep, at one point I'm sure my head nearly hit the desk.
The idea behind the training, as well as assisting me in my new Reporting role, is to boost my CV and therefore my confidence. While I don't intend to leave the company, one of my fears when I had my breakdown was that all my experience was so business focussed and so full of 'on-the-job' training that I was unemployable anywhere else. For peace of mind I want to be more marketable, even if I'm not on the market.
I will now try to catch forty-winks on the train. I suspect that the cacophony of buzzing iPODs (and their under-breath-singing wearers), ridiculous ringtones, newspaper rustling and coughing will prevent me from doing so.
Probably best, I'd only miss my stop.
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