Monday, August 22, 2005


A quality I'm becoming less likely to ever being ascribed with. No, I haven't swallowed a dictionary – it's just below 'prolific' and I was hoping that by looking that word up it would have some sort of side-effect on me.

Since my return I seem to be so absorbed with reading that I have no energy to write. This has been encouraged with my discovery of RSS feeds. Yes, I knew they existed, but I finally did something about them, by installing Attensa. This rather nifty bit of software puts all my favourite blogs into my Outlook folders. This has the benefit of keeping me constantly up-to-date and making it look like I'm working at the same time. The downside is the content doesn't appear in the same template as the author intended, it's not as easy to post comments, and you miss out on your AdSense marketing opportunities. Like I'm really going to become an AdSense millionaire.

So I have expanded my daily reads. It is compulsory that you at least read this post in a beautiful revolution, if only because it prompts the comment 'you should blog about your depression because otherwise people will think you are just a penguin'.

I am not a penguin.


Blogger broke said...

Not heard of Attensa - I use Bloglines, but I've added so many feeds I get very behind with keeping up-to-date.... How many blogs can a man keep up with? A modern dilemma...
Thanks for the link to beautiful rev.

Mon Aug 22, 06:22:00 PM GMT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you


Mon Aug 22, 10:19:00 PM GMT  

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